STEP 1: Raise your vibration to the highest note you can resonate at. Direct your consciousness using your higher centres Heart chakra/High Heart chakra, Third Eye chakra and your crown chakra creating a directed Trinitized form. Using your own melody of energetic rays. The frequencies are rejuvenating and harmonizing on the system and those holding Mother ARC Transharmonic Gateway systems hold the best Feminine BALANCE for this - btw.
Step 2:
*** This will only work for those in alignment to correcting the hologram following the LAW of ONE principal and alignment***
12 x 12 - 144 Monadic Multi Dimensional Model for healing:
I am fully aware there are more dimensions than these. However, I am specifically teaching this particular model, as I know it to be effective in correcting the distortions on the multi dimensional beings who are fractured within multiple vertical and horizontal dimensional increments. I will do my best in explaining the why's and the mechanics behind this model...
Up until now, from my vantage point, specifically, the reason TRUE healing does not occur fully or in an integrated way is most healing methods are looking from a 3 D human perspective Not from a Multi Dimensional Perspective.
For Example, we all know the pictures of the human being and the little aura that is predominently vertical based and capped at like a 7 chakra level. Which leaves many to think that is all there is to energy healing and that is where it begins and ends... simply NOT True.
For Us Starseeds, Universal, Galactic, Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow - Very High Multi Dimensional Beings that 3 D model absolutely does NOT apply to us for healing many of the breakdowns on all multi dimensional levels.
When a Multi Dimensional Being is properly hooked up, balanced and integrated on the various levels planetary all the way throughout each BEings Universal System, the BEing is capable of expanding and contracting the consciousness on all 12 dimensions both ways (and beyond), while in the physical body and Conscious about everything.
Due to the expansion and contraction of consciousness and all the negative architecture in place since the Dynasty timelines in Egypt when the Reptilian and other forces came in and took ARC of Covenant coding and misused it here on the planet. It locked many multi dimensional beings down at various places and spaces that we naturally are capable of residing in.
Now, In this end of a cycle where the ARC of Covenant Tools are WithIN and cannot be misused and abused again. As only those with the tools have access to them to override the mess here for all.
The 12 x 12 - 144 Monadic Multi Dimensional Model is key for correcting the fractures and suppression factors at each Vertical and Galactic Horizontal Sheild. This model has a lot to offer high BEings who have an extremely high vibration and will open up their access to their ARC of Covenant Tools/Gifts.
The more we use this model to assist our kind and bring them fully into their actual potential, able to access their own Divine and INherent gifts. The quicker the Butterfly effect will occur on the UNITY LOGOS Platform eliminating all deep, dark, dense vibrations and lower consciousness. This is what is meant by the Outer Gates have been locked for Ascension and INner Hub Access is the new route. The new UNITY vibrations will eradicate swiftly all that IS not in alignment to ORGANIC SOURCE.
The 12 x 12 MODEL is based in a set of increments. Each incremen represents dimensions and galactic bands and the way consciousness operates in the polarity model. This is until the being comes into full masculine/feminine balance holding rod and staff withIN their BEing, then the neutral field is created and activated as the Harmonizing Force.
What does the Model Look Like:
This model looks like a plus sign and is a plus sign, but the actual premise is based off the ANKH. ***Not the crucifixion implant of the Cross by the way***
(More so like the ANKH. Why the ANKH? The ANKH literally represented and is a reminder of when the MONAD or OVERSOUL is connected into the physical flesh. Spirit into matter and is fully balanced on the Vertical and Horizontal Planes on this reality structure. You have an Actualized Multi Dimensional Conscious BEing and a LOT of Power and a Generator of ORGANIC SOURCE ENERGY and codes.
Lets look at the plus sign on the vertical aspect of this model. The vertical (up and down) has 12 increments and dimensions starting from increment 1 at the bottom and going up equally in your mind to 12.Each increment represents a dimension of the human being, the corresponding chakra system 1-12 of the human being and where there consciousness energy is residing
and or fractured or for those with Orion Holographic Coding you will see on each increment various levels of holographic architecture such as implants, robotic structures, M/M turnstiles and various inorganic reversal grids, as well as you may see Macro and Micro geomancies, geometric designs, colors, schisms, astral goo and so forth, the list goes on and each of you with ORION coding You are going to love this model.
The horizontal (side ways - back and forth) of the plus sign has 12 increments too. However, it is broken down into a neutral field and space in the center of the plus sign, 6 increments to the left and 6 increments to the right. From the center we will label the first increment on each side of the neutral and/or cross point 1 through 6 left and 1 through 6 right. These represent Galactic Shield Bands from the station of identity on earth all the way through the cosmos. The bands are an individual universal system onto each BEing and soul.
Why is the horizontal line different than the vertical?
Due to the fact this system is still residing in a polarity based model, we need to take this into account.
each increment is a measurement of a dimension of consciousness on the horizontal physical plane and corresponding Galactic Shield bands all the way through the individuals personal universal system.
On the horizontal Plane - Consciousness Projects and Reflects. INner to Outer. All work done on the energetic planes manifests into the physical in this way. Thats why those who are conscious know the Outer reality is always demonstrating Coding/Signs as Creator Language in physical ways. This is also why the physicalization of the upcoming ES trip to Italy Damanhaur to physicalize this model - The Hall of Mirrors. This is also why the Diamond Heart Merkaba's with crystalline prisms have been created to OverRide the hall of mirrors on the horizontal plane and various levels of pre existing but its on its way out architecture.
Now you have an understanding of the vertical 12 by the horizontal 12 and how each looks as you draw a diagram and are able to chart any multi dimensional BEing that you work on. Mentally place the persons holographic image at the cross point. Drawing the model out for the person you work on To record the levels of distortionfor the BEing looking at the entire circumference (144 MONAD/ANKH)
Due the corrections that you see in the feilds whether energetically, holographically, seeing colors or however else you percieve and make adjustments to the hologram. The chart/diagram will also assist you when you back in to check on the progress throughout the day or each day or week.
A few extras to incorporate into your healing:
When you remove holographic architecture (for those with orion coding) often architecture is quickly implanted again. By using a fire code or codes if you have access to this or more than this one (with your own light language). When you insert a fire code it disintegrates stuff that would be reinserted quickly into the same location.
The fire code I was shown at Radium Hot Springs recently looks like a silver narrow fire with a lego like plug at one end and a lot of white coming through the platnum silver. plug it in to the area on the grid or hologram when you have finished a correction.
For most neurological issues - such as Autism for an example. First the outer circumference is extremely static, like white noise or snow on a TV. This is due to the BEing mostly residing in a fractured consciousness multi dimensionalstate. This must be compressed in the outer field first close to the persons hologram on the chart or in the minds eye using your consciousness or various energetic tools and ways you do your work, such as using magnetic energy or the 12 D to suck up fragments and relocate to where guided and needed. Usually an individual (again this varies to the extent of the autism severity and other intermingled issues) on the vertical in their CORE on the micro INner BEing aspect within the person's hologram (vertical pillar) they are solid and compressed with their pillar on the higher dimensions, yet the breakdowns occur on the lower incremental dimensions which is why they do not function well in the 3 D Human way. Horizontally, the field is static as they are in the expanded state and unable to compress as they are suppose to. The Core is fundamental for ensuring core stability throughout all the layers for each person. It looks like an antankara white pillar or other depending on your vantage point from dimensional increment 1 through 12.
For those human BEings who are multi dimensional yet operating on Indigo Lock Down Mode or 3D and they are unable to connect to gifts through higher dimensional access on the vertical. You will notice the vertical is distorted and or disconnected entirely through the holographic and mind control means currently operational here. To override this area of difficulty. Those with ORION coding who can travel using their merkaba's and locate the oversoul that is important to merge first. Secondly the lower three chakras have to be overriden to assist the person connecting into heart intelligence and higher chakra intelligence access. This is done through removing all architecture in the lower 3 chakras first. Then re-encrypting with Aurora - milky cloudy white rainbow energy in balls filling each of the lower chakras and higher if deemed appropriate. Place fire codes in.
Also it has been noted seraphim OverSoul consciousness is often fragile and fractured, crumbles, beads etc. Use the 12 D to suck up all the consciousness and direct to insert into the BEing.
Once the oversoul is connected and they access the heart chakra the merge occurs spiritual (vertical) into physical flesh.Then you need to use the 12 x 12 model to source any other holographic distortions within the diagram deemed necessary. If you have remote view scanning ability and can see systems you can zone into the neurological, nervous system and so forth for correction. Also scanning at different layers deep 5x or 10x etc. can and will reveal more going on at different depths. Make sure Vesica Pisces architecture is removed scanning the entire brain to eliminate Bi Polar Thinking. To bring BEing into Pineal Gland Whole Unified Thinking State.
Also what was recently used on me against me three nights ago from two different types of groups and agendas not liking my work, was a zapping architecture on both hemisphere to cause disruption. And other probes on my shoulders etc. that we know too well. Also every day I am removing Reptilian architecture, seeds, claws (damn they are painful) from my tailbone, second chakra all over, heart and last night in through andnto my ninth chakra. They are painful and burning when inserted and grow quickly. Used to siphon the energy.
Check that the Shushuma the two strands running behind the bridge of the nose are clear and connect into the ninth chakra and are connected into the pineal gland. Then run a violet thread from both temples as directed to bring the brain into balance. This brings on enlightenment and a unity state not a hypothalmus or survival ego driven state of BEing and operation.
Egypt is fascinating, in which, in Radium I was shown that the heiroglyphics were their light language and code then which does not operate at this timeline. This is why each person who is able to access their multi dimensional Arc of Covenant tools is being downloaded directly from their systems and light language alphabet. Through this understanding of code and other quantum models of vibrational reality this is how they moved matter through matter, levitation and so forth.
I hope you realize the more we reconnect multidimensionals fully and align them,
everything changes in the physical. The higher vibrations will spread and unify all and push out lower realms. It will also eliminate polarity integrator contracts in the old model. Synthesizing everything into a neutral field, in a balanced way. We all will not have to dip down and transmute dropping from higher vibrations down into lower vibrations like a swing stage and gasp for air transmuting the crap and raising our vibrations so we can feel good again, in that way any longer.
This model can be applied for others, for yourself and for your grid work. For those who have recently contacted me about areas on the earth grids with a different type of metallic consciousness architecture or other kinds and forms of consciousness architecture too. You can use magnetic energy and work with the matter through matter and levitation quantum models to manipulate the architecture to achieve desired results for corrections. (I hope this helps)
Copyright 2011, by TA MA RA xox and/or . This publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system without acknowledging the source of information and reproducing in full without alteration or if alterations are made without the prior written permission of TA MA RA xox
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