Saturday, February 12, 2011

Genetic Miasmatic Clearing

Dear Beloveds,

I am BEing INnerly guided to bring this issue to the forefront, before continuing the other blogs.  This was originally written for family members and yet has a very broad impact for the Global Brain down to the every day family members going through clearings of Patterns within each structure.  Egypt's Resignation of Mubarek is a huge movement at the 4th Gate, Representing the old Earth Heart Chakra and the beginning reconnections to the NEW Unified Krysthala Heart Merkaba's of Universal Consciousness brought to you through the ES templating and Group Over Soul Body of Work.

With this shifting, Genetic Miasmatic Family Patternings and Clearings will have to begin being released and cleared.  Egypt, The Heart Chakra, The Collective Global Brain, The Individual Heart and family patterns begin to open and surface areas of Consciousness, We all will have to participate with Healing.

The Pain, Suffering, Physical symptoms, Emotions are very real and involve ALL, as each person will begin shifting into higher vibratory patterns.  IF you love Earth, Our Mother and Yourself, Be Open to what is presented as information.

If you want Mother our Earth to remain here for longer, learn to become open to the Truth.

Mother, the Earth and what is going on withIN our units and without on the bigger units are a direct reflection of our family and group/collective consciousness.

What is causing her physical pain, suffering and outcry's for change is based in genetic patterning and collective patterning.  Each of you are a part of this pain.  All are contributing.

There have existed many patterns that have come up for review and clearing and healing, that many of US of more advanced and aware consciousness have been clearing behind the scenes, on multiple levels.

Due to the shifting from Planetary to Galactic and soon into UNITY Universal Consciousness there is a process involved as each person evolves in consciousness.  ONE must work on their own consciousness, then the Genetic Family Line Consciousness and then Accept Responsibility for the Collective Consciousness.

No Thing in this reality is independant of any thing else.  ALL is literally ONE from the Micro to the Macro.

In the last few months, I have been released of my Karmic Contract accepting BIG clearing being part of my personal family line and distortions to move into sharing how true consciousness healing occurs on all the levels.

I am no longer asked to take on huge packages of density and release it through my BEing or my childrens.  Instead huge packets are coming from Group Collective Packages related to areas all over the globe shifting their consciousness and their thoughts and energies - go places.

Hence forth, EACH ONE OF YOU will be experiencing the effects.  As an Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow, Starseed (as this is the group I am here to represent) Each piece of genetic clearing of imbalanced patterns within your family DNA must be literally seen, felt and moved out of the heart.  Plus much more, but I am offering you Baby Stages, the rest is up to you to learn more from my Wisdom and Blogsites.  You are also welcome to seek the help you require through the medical system or other forms of consciousness, whatever you feel INnerly guided to experience. If your not guided to participate, I completely honor you for who you are, always did.  But I assure you, each of you will be directly shown the effects from the Cleansing of Consciousness that is Occuring in our Galactic Cycle and soon to be Universal Cycle.

Each area of the body represents Light Body language. 

What can be experienced as physical has energetic origins.

All thoughts are things, they do not go no where, the same for emotional states of BEing.

Some examples of this light body language represented in the physical, using my beloved Mother as an example of what she has had health issues with for three weeks and every doctor test comes back with no information and results.  Due to the fact the origin is Family Genetic Patterns and Collective Patterns that my family must now look at, as I am no longer holding a magnetic blueprint contract to the Genetic Origin, as I and my family participated with healing and clearing for many years - behind the scenes.

Some examples of Light Body Language Physicalized are:

The Bladder is BEing Pissed off and holding Pissed OFF thoughtforms.

The Intestines are removal of waste.  Not being able to go to the bathroom removing the waste is a literal representation of holding onto WASTE that is meant to be let go of.  Mentally, Emotionally, Physically and Spiritually.

Hemmoroids are the anus, a bleeding of the anus and inflamation.  A representation of the ASSHOLE(s) in your mind, heart, thoughts, emotions.  Hemmoroids are the BAD Guy outside of YOU.

A collapsed spine, is a representing of the support structure(s) collapsing, literally.

My family's consciousness, our Earth's physical body and the Global Brain is shifting, it is undergoing deep trauma and pain due to the Collective thoughtforms the family is holding onto at this time, for multiple reasons.  To make it simple: interconnected members of our genetic matrix, then the collective matrix reflected literally.  Nothing is independant of everything else. 

This is in the DNA and it is learned misappropriate directions of thoughts, emotions, behaviours, consciousness.

These are all low, dense, heavy and very painful patterns that require each of you to own your part in it, for LONG TERM relief for Everyone's sake.

There is also the level of Seperation that has increasingly become worse within the Family Dynamic, Global Dynamic and Seperation from one's True Self and Heart/Feeling Nature.

It is not okay to ever favor one BEing over another.

It is not okay to Judge, Discriminate, Withhold, Lie, Gossip, Condemn others.

It is not okay for the sake of advancing on the horizontal plane for percieved status quo disregard yourself, your ethics, morals, your inner higher guidance... EVER!

It is not okay to mull over moment to moment negative issues without quickly moving your consciousness to a higher solution for the Betterment of the WHOLE.

I share my INner knowing and personal experience through owning my own Consciousness.  Wearing the UGLIES and healing my own consciousness from With IN.  Embodying some of the past pieces was not pleasant, within my genetic line and going from there.

For healing to actually occur Consciously, You must own your own consciousness, from WithIN.  You must wear and embody each garment and heal it through the heart, to clear the patterns, by taking Conscious Responsibility for your participation in your experience - on all the levels.

I understand directly what each of you will be going through or are going through.

I also see how these patterns are demonstrating the real pain on many levels you each are actually in.

No One is a Rock.  We are moving into a Unification Model.  Coming together in Truth.  

Not all will be making the transitions.  No Value Difference.

A side note I sent to my family, which I feel may be of value to share this information.  As Indigo's, Crystals, Rainbows and Starseeds, when we came to this planetary system, to ASSIST, we had to take on very difficult experiences and karma from the family we grew up in.  This is why I share myself openly.  So you know, I know directly what it is like, how it is and how it was, as we move through everything together.


< so much so, I accepted plenty of pain, shame, blame for my name, thang, wore it each night silently.  Crying myself to sleep wondering why the agression, why the rejection, why the humiliation, why was I at the time so different and I never could accept or believe that the pain in our family on each of the rungs was the highest expression, where was unconditional love and acceptance in diversity?
Then as I began to heal these templates on my own, then with my kids and teach them about Real INner healing, then with ex'es, all the geographical places each occured from, then within the community and systems, then with my school, then with the globe, came to KNOW myself. 
I am part of the ONE, I am here with the rest of you and the collective.  The pain does not go no where.  At this time all will have to be with miscreations, lucky for you, you are not alone, you are not judged, you are accepted as you whether you accept this message today or choose other wise>

Copyright 2011, by TA MA RA xox and/or . This publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system without acknowledging the source of information and reproducing in full without alteration or if alterations are made without the prior written permission of TA MA RA xox

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