Wednesday, February 9, 2011

LIGHT LANGUAGE - Your INherent New Alphabet from the Stars

Your INherent Light Language From the Stars

As Indigo's, Crystal's, Rainbow's and Starseeds begin to awaken to 'who they really are' and their 'true origins'.  Many Divine Inherent Abilities and Gifts will begin to ignite within each persons individual DNA.  As the new levels and rungs are experienced within various dimensional qualities, context for the new senses will be required. 

Many who awaken to greater vertical levels of consciousness, will begin to see Energy, Quantum Fields,  Colors,  Geometric Patterning and/or Geomancies as well as current Holographic Architecture and Schematics currently in place.

As you are beginning to see and sense with New eyes, it is important to recognize that not all individuals have these abilities, nor do they have access to this and these levels of information.  No value difference.  Earth is literally a living library that is just beginning to have new coding released on the planet after being enslaved by a Race of Beings serving their own Reptilian Agenda (and other non benevolent ET Agendas of similar nature) of control over the human being.   Humanities genetics have been usurped, harnessed and manipulated, up until this point in Time and Space, in this reality system.

This Manipulation of Creational Code, has kept the Family of the Indigo's, Crystal's, Rainbow's and Starseeds for the most part locked down, not permitted access beyond Planetary awareness.   It is important to recognize there are many levels of knowledge and access of consciousness stations, depending on True Origins and Divine Purpose and Function(s) for participating in this cycle, at this time.

If you are finally able to access your New Sight and Consciousness Awareness, these gifts are there to be used for the betterment of ALL, with Neutrality, aligned with heart merge with Source.  Only those of specific genetics of various ET lineages will begin to have access to what they have contained withIN - all along.  As you begin to see how things really are and how they are rapidly evolving and changing you will come up against possible shock, trauma, discomfort and confusion. You will see many levels of architecture that is foreign and unfamiliar.  We are advancing from a Planetary Consciousness into a Galactic Consciousness and there is a drastic difference to knowledge and wisdom contained withIN this fundamental Truth.

These new vertical levels of consciousness will require a new understanding of decoding your personal Light Language and Star orientated Alphabet from your particular Home Frequency band.  You will then need to use your higher guidance to apply the Vertical levels of Consciousness to the Horizontal 3D Earth Plane
Grid(s) and Architecture, and others if INnerly directed so.

Decoding Light Language 

As you begin to understand your real language, you are permitted to certain levels of Creational Code of the base nature of this physical plane we exist on.  Understanding Light Language is the Holographic Blueprint of the mathmatical formulation of how all manifests.

There are different qualities of Holographic Blueprint Light Language.  The level of interpretation varies depending on the purpose of the Soul and Consciousness.  There will contain a vast quality and tonality as well as color and complexity variance depending on the access permited for your piece in assisting with the current mission of correcting the Hologram.

It is important to know and become familiar with what particular architectures are in place to begin Over Riding the structures to assist with healing the Global Brain.  Everything is Micro to Macro.  The Light Language is the Micro and it extends out to the Macro of many Universal Systems.  All Awareness and Gifts are accessed from withIN as you connect to organic Source based light and intelligence through the Heart Merge with Source and 12 Sheild. (Heart merge will be placed on this blog and as well as 12 D Shield)

Galactic Consciousness vs. Planetary Consciousness

Many Lightworkers of a Planetary Consciousness have anchored remarkable light and have assisted the earth plane and humanity with their presence and awarenesses within the Planetary Cycle.  Due to the fact we are in a Galactic Cycle and straddling a Unity Universal Consciousness Cycle (predicted by the Mayan Calendar).  It is a natural and logical progression to understand the knowledge that was hidden,  is Now being systematically unlocked and revealed.

From the vantage point of Galactic, Universal, Cosmic Multi Dimensional experience much corrective work has been achieved within all Micro to Macro levels of Reality.  The sum of all the parts working together in Unison from various Over Soul/ Monadic Group Soul Bodies.  Enormous amounts of Divine directed work has been done for a very long time - behind the scenes.

This has been concealed, to allow many humans a station of identity within various cycles and to maintain certain realities.  It has also been concealed due to Divine and Right Timing for disclosure.  Multi Dimensional BEings are able to fully and systematically source the areas of imbalance and balance within various timelines and quantum spaces.  Time exists simultaneously.  All is accessed in the Now moment.  As a quantum Multi Dimensional BEing, it is a natural extension to expand and contract and move vertically and horizontally to connect to the ALL that IS.

Planetary Polarized Upgrades to Galactic Consciousness

Many planetary lightworkers who hold Star based genetic encoding will begin to systematically enter new dimensional levels of intelligence due to activations and transmissions occuring.  Holographic inlays of future and other higher aspect selves will begin to embody within the individual who awakens into their Light Language and True Origins. 

Planetary Lightworkers will need to shift their station of identity to a new Upgraded Model of the Unity Logos Platform, through the Pineal Gland and ensure the Merkaba Mechanics are fully operational.  Ways of existing in a Polarized Reality will need to shift away from the context of reliance on Guides and Beings - Out There, Outside of Oneself.  True connection is WithIN and that is how the zero point energy, Tri Wave Field, connected to organic Source light and intelligence is accessed.  This is the only way True Healing occurs, from withIN ones own Consciousness.

Models of ONLY Love and Light and access to the fourth dimensional plane will need to be scaled into higher octaves on personal DNA rungs both vertically and applied horizontally with neutrality, within the ladder.  Accessing only Angels and Ghosts/Souls on this particular plane of dimensional awareness will begin to bridge into awareness of millions of ET lineages and our True Origins.   Models of ONLY Love and Light are becoming obselete.  With the paradigm shift of Consciousness, this will soon be viewed as elementary consciousness growing up into children, teenagers, adults and beyond.

It has been a blindspot of Planetary Lightworkers to focus and remain Polarized on the one side of the spectrum, specifically.  Having this blindspot is easy to see and INnerly know where the individual's station of Consciousness is residing.  When an individual presents that their access is to Only Love and Light in the manner in which they achieve their gifts, energies or awarenesses and that no thing else exists... this is Bi-Polar Thinking and Awareness.  As mentioned in my previous article Healing the Global Brain, this is a very direct reflection of the Vesica Pisces Architecture operating within the individuals Brain on a Holographic Level and manifesting on the physical plane, as such.

Without this architecture removed, the individual is unable to access their Pineal Gland - consistently.  With the wording 'consistently' that is an impermanent ongoing state.  Which would only be accessed within a medium of meditation or other method to achieve temporary pineal gland access to ONEness. Gamma Brain waves of Unified Consciousness within Diversity when fully accessed is an ongoing state of BEing.  With the Vesica Pisces harnesses in place, the individual is only able to move their station of consciousness Bi-Laterally back and forth in an either or motion/direction of personal experience and awareness.

From a logical standpoint, we can view humanity's reflection as all encompassing and until we see the physical plane represented as soul-ly love and light exclusively, in a Unity Logos Platform model within Diversity.  Physical Reality is demonstrating literally both Poles of the Polarity Model are still in effect, all the way through the dimensional levels of reality.

For those of Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow and Starseed lineages Planetary Energy Healing will only take new Light Body Development so far, in true assistance of relief as you begin to navigate higher dimensional octaves.  This is when one will have to get up to speed with learning the new rules of evolving Consciousness in this cycle.

1) Energetic Responsibility - Understanding we have been in a Polarity Based system operating on soon to be outmoded structures.  While Awakening into these dissolving structures, you will need to get up to date with Dark Arts Training.  There exist both sides of the ET lineages benevolent and non benevolent in nature.  At this time there is plenty of known Holographic Architecture being used and you are welcome to learn more about each form of manipulation through Psychic Self Defence Series MP3 courses through Energetic Synthesis.  Also Orion Coded Healers who have direct access to the holographic architecture and have been directly trained in Dark Arts Training and Light Encoded Library Access, are available to assist you on your journey as well, if you feel INnerly guided.  Please go to my website: to access the Galactic Supports page of experts.

2) Representing yourself as a Sovereign Being within a Universal System - WELCOME to your brand new HOME and human experience, It is a joyful and empowering experience and vast possiblities are available in your rightful place in our Universe.

3) Self Sourcing and Self Sustaining Your Own energy system - Learn how to Lock Down and energetically Source Your Own personal consciousness system.  You are a living breathing Consciousnes system.  Most likely up to this point, having portions of your energetic holographic architecture and intelligence taken from you without your full awareness or consent.  It is important to begin to learn how to sustain your own energy without vampirizing, parasitizing, feeding off of others to maintain your existence.

It is one thing to be operating on Automaton Auto Pilot behaviours because you existed in a Polarity Based Model,  where you were previously locked down and had many Unconscious Programs operating behind the scenes.  Another thing entirely to begin to understand how Consciousness operates vertically and horizontally and apply this in a responsible way.  It is essential to begin to learn about Chakra Intelligence and Psychic Self Defense.  Through this True knowledge You Free Yourself and create new Boundary Structures.  When this is implemented you are literally provided greater ease and navigation with participating in this evolutionary cycle.

Extending Love Now and All Ways,

TA MA RA xox

To Be Continued:  Next - Levels of Chakra Intelligence and How to Read Energetic Signatures/Imprints. Increase your awareness of where other peoples stations of Consciousness are residing.

Copyright 2011, by TA MA RA xox and/or .  This publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an information retrieval system without acknowledging the source of information and reproducing in full without alteration or if alterations are made without the prior written permission of TA MA RA xox

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